Vice Presidency For Business
and Knowledge Creativity
Faculty Of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Expertise House : Advanced Technologies

Advanced Technologies
جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
وكالة الجامعة للأعمال والإبداع المعرفي
كلية الهندسة
قسم الهندسة الكهربائية وهندسة الحاسبات
بيوت الخبرة : تقنيات متقدمة

EE 425: Communication Systems (4: 3,2)

Fall Semester, 2011-2012

2000 Catalog Description

Telephone Systems, Basic Circuits, The Microphone and The Loud Speaker, Exchange Connections, FM Stereo System, AT&T FDM Telephone Hierarchy, L600 & U600 Systems. AT&T TDM (T1) Systems With Pulse Code Modulation, Pulse and Touch Tone Telephone Systems, US FCC Standards, Satellite Systems History, Orbital and Geo Synchronous Satellite systems, Mechanical Forces & Balance, Orbital Spacing, Frequency Reuse, Up Link Model, Transponder Model, Down Link Model, Digital System Parameters, Phase Shift Modulation Systems (Bpsk, Qpsk, 8psk, 16psk) Comparison Between Digital Systems with Different Specifications & Bit Error Rate, Equivalent Noise Temperature, Gain to Equivalent Noise Temperature ratio, Carrier to Noise Density Ratio, Up Link Equation, Down Link Equation, Budget Calculation, Radar Systems, General Radar Equation and Block Diagram , Parameters of the Radar System, Maximum and Minimum Ranges, Target Cross Section, Range and Angular Resolutions, Types of Radars, Pulse, Doppler, Pulse-Doppler, Chirp, and  Phase Coded Radar Systems, Noise in Radar Systems, Signal to Noise Ratio, Probability of Target Detection and  Probability of False Alarm, Integration of Pulses, Radar Equation in Design Form, Design of Airport Radar System, Beacon and Bistatic Radars, US Television System, Black and White TV, Interlaced Scanning of the Frame, Video Bandwidth, Vestigial Side Band Modulation for the Video Signal, FM Modulation for the Audio Signal, B&W Television Transmitter and Receiver, Color and color Mixing, NTSC Color Television System, Chrominance and Luminance Signals,  Color Triangle, (B-Y), (R-Y) Signals, I & Q Signals, Compatibility With B&W TV System, Choice Of  the Color Sub carrier, Quadrature Multiplexing of Color Signals, SECAM and PAL Systems, Color Television Transmitter and Receiver, Television Camera and Cathode Ray Tube.



EE413, EE 421, EE 424

EE 411, EE 360, IE 331



  1. 1- Electronic Communications Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced, by Wayne Tomasi, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2001.



  1. 1-Introduction to Communication Systems, Third Edition, by Ferrel G. Stremler, Addison Wesley, 1990.

    2- Electronic Communications Third Edition, by Dennis Roddy and John Coolen, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1984.

    3- Satellite Communication Systems, Third Edition, G. Maral, and M. Bousquet, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

    4- Digtal and Analog Communication Systems, by  Leon W. Couch II, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1983.

    5-Introduction to Radar Systems, Second Edition, by Merrill I. Skolnik, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1986.

    6- Basic Television and Video Systems, Fifth Edition, By Bernard Grob, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1984.

    7-Electronic Communication Systems, Third Edition, by George Kennedy, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1986.

    8-Digital Communications, Third Edition, by John Proakis, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1995.

    9-Digtal and Analog Communication Systems, by K.Sam Shanmugam, , John Wiley & Sons, 1985.

    10- Digital Communication Systems, by Peyton Z. Peebles, Jr., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987.

    11-Radar Design Principles, by Fred E. Nathanson, , Mcgraw-Hill, Inc., 1969.



  1. 1.To develop a student’s ability to understand the fundamentals of basic components and system construction to form a complete analog or digital communication system for both frequency and time division multiplexing.

    2.To develop a student’s ability to understand the fundamentals of analysis, design, and comparison for different communication systems.

    3.To give the student a working knowledge and background in at least four well known and established communications systems, namely the telephone, satellite, radar, and television systems.


Prerequistes by Topics

  1. 1. Communication Circuits

    2. Noise in Communication Systems & Probability.

    3. Antennas and Wave Propagation.

    4. Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication Systems.



Review of Basic Communication Systems. (1 week)

Frequency Division Multiplexing and FM Stereo. (1 week)

Telephone Systems ( Pulse and Touch Tone) with FCC Standards. (1 week)

AT&T FDM U600 and L600 Systems and AT&T TDM (T)carrier Systems(1 week)

History and Mechanics for Orbital & Geosynchoounous Satelite Systems (1 week)

Up Link, Transponder & Down Link Models & Look Angles(1 week)

Digital Transmission for Satelite (Bpsk,Qpsk,8psk,and 16psk) with Noise(1 week)

Link Equations and Budget Calculations(1 week)

Radar System and Its Basic Parameters(1 week)

Basic Radar Equation, Radar Ranges, Resolutions & Detection and Noise(1 week)

Information from Radar’s Echo &Velocity Measurement using Doppler Shift(1 week)

Airport Radar Design and Specifications(1 week)

Black &White TV, Scanning,Video Bandwidth, Transmitter and RecieverNTSC Color TV,Color Mixing, Compatibility,Transmitter & Reciever , (1 week)

Camera & Cathode Ray Tube, Other Color Systems (PAL & SECAM) (1 week)


Computer  Usage



Laboratory Projects



ABET category content as estimated by faculty member who prepared this course description.

Engineering science   :     2.5 Credits

Engineering design    :    1.5 Credits


Prepared by

Professor Khalid A. Alnabulsi


Sept 25 , 2011