Vice Presidency For Business
and Knowledge Creativity
Faculty Of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Expertise House : Advanced Technologies

Advanced Technologies
جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
وكالة الجامعة للأعمال والإبداع المعرفي
كلية الهندسة
قسم الهندسة الكهربائية وهندسة الحاسبات
بيوت الخبرة : تقنيات متقدمة

EE-424: Antenna Theory and Design (4: 3,2)

Fall Semester, 2011-2012

2000 Catalog Description

Review of Maxwells equations and by the scalar and Vector Potentials A and F, Scalar Green’s function for free space, Solution of A and F using The free space green’s function, Exact and far field expressions, Infinitesemal dipole, near and far fields, radiated power, Radiation resistance, Radiation patterns, directive gain and directivity, effective area, gain , antenna losses and efficiency, finite length dipole with sinusoidal current distribution, vertical and horizontal electric and magnetic sources above ground plane. Small and large loops with constant currents, antenna arrays, element factor and array factor, nulls and maxima for array patterns , linear, circular, and planar arrays, broadside and endfire arrays, design of binomial and chybycheff arrays, helical, biconic, folded dipole antennas, travelling wave antennas, Yagi/Yuda antenna design of linear and circular elements, Aperature antennas and the parabolic dish.



1. EE 423:Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

 2.   Math 312,Math 204, Math 203 : vector integral and differential calculus, complex analysis, and partial differential equations.



  1. 1Balanis, Constantine, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, 3nd edition John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005.



  1. Kraus, John. D., Antennas, Mcgraw-Hill book company,New York, 2001.


    Stutzman Warren L. , and Gary A. Thiele, Antenna theory and design,2nd edition, 1997, John Wiley &Sons, New York,  


    Jordan E.C., K.G. Balmain,Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, Prentice_hall, Inc.,Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1968.


    Elliot, R.S., Antenna theory and design , Prentice_hall, Inc.,Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.


    Samuel Silver(Editor), Microwave Antenna Theory and Design,Reprint edition, Mcgraw_Hill,1984.



  1. 1.  To develop a student’s ability to understand and analyze antenna problems given the sources (current or aperture) and be able to calculate near and far fields .

    2.  To develop a student’s ability to calculate and plot all important antenna parameter using 2D and 3D plots.

    3.   To give the student a working knowledge in the principles of design to satisfy certain design requests and to gain practical experience in dealing with antennas and their measurements.


Prerequistes by Topics

  1. 1.    Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

    2.    Vector integral and differential calculus

    3.    Complex analysis

    4.    Partial differential equations.



1.  Review of Maxwells equations and by the scalar and Vector Potentials A and F (1 week)

2.  Scalar Green’s function for free space, Solution of A and F using The free space green’s function (2 weeks)

3.  Exact and far field expressions, Infinitesemal dipole, near and far fields, radiated power, Radiation resistance, Radiation patterns, directive gain and directivity, effective area, gain , antenna losses and efficiency (2 weeks).

4.  Finite length dipole with sinusoidal current distribution, vertical and horizontal electric and magnetic sources above ground plane. (2 weeks)

5.  Small and large loops with constant currents (2 weeks)

6.  Antenna arrays, element factor and array factor, nulls and maxima for array patterns , linear, circular, and planar arrays, broadside and endfire arrays, design of binomial and chybycheff arrays. (2weeks)

7.   Helical, biconic, folded dipole antennas, travelling wave antennas, (2weeks)

8.   Yagi/Yuda antenna design of linear and circular elements, Aperature antennas and the parabolic dish.(2weeks)


Computer  Usage

1. Comuter caculation of antenna paramerts such as angles at which maximum radiation and nulls occurs.

2. Computer plots for antenna parameters such as directivity, radiation resistance as a function of antenna size in wavelength



Laboratory Projects

1.    Measurement of feed horn antenna input impedance.

2.    Measurement of feed horn antenna radiation pattern and gain.



Estimated ABET Content

Engineering science   :     2.5 Credits

Engineering design    :    1.5 Credits



Prepared by

Professor Khalid A. Alnabulsi

